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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How people die

Came across this statistic of how people die. Here is the trend in US and thoughts of mine:


If we live a life that is same as norm, would it be fair to say that we will die in the same trend of causes and relative time?

If we have a different mentality and lifestyle, perhaps we have a different way of dying? Statistically speaking?

I think there is more reasons to be different, creative, unique. 

I mean, who wants to die the same?

iOS Release

Every time there is an iOS update, on the surface, it will say it fixes or introduces something new, beneath the surface, it always blocks the "new released" jailbreak. This pattern has been going on since iPhone 2 was born til now iOS 8.4.1. 

Wondering why this pattern never stops and why not just patch it once and for all? Perhaps the cat is enjoying catching the rat.

More importantly, why would people talk about this? It has been going on for last 10 years, every update there is tons of comments in forum chatting about should or shouldn't update. 

On the other hand, there is not even an attempt (by relative comparison) on blocking rooting on Android. One side of the different methodology is the release in Android is never fully controlled, bugs are always introduced. Though, freedom is above everything. 

I wonder, if there is a metaphor, life should be free like Android. Thoughts should be like iOS. 

You think with discipline, you live in freedom. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

being Professional

Very often we heard people reasoning their actions as being "professional".

"It is a business decision, I am just trying to be professional here."

What this means is basically react in a way where human factor is removed from the decision processing, basically act as simple as a self-righteous robot would do, to which being "professional" also remove all the guilt and right and wrong that a human is thought to have.

I called this professionalism as being "ignorant".  They both have the same effect.  Only that being ignorant is more accurate, as being "professional" forgets the point that all businesses need human to interact, you can't have professional business decisions without human factor embedded in it.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013


Yesterday I downloaded another app called CoolGuo, an online radio station developed by the Chinese. Just to realize it is restricted as an app for China only. 

Nowadays, many cool apps actually remain as china only app cos they might abuse "rights". Such as online movies streaming. 

Many cool tools are reserved for China only because they are 1. Too cheap, 2. Too cheap and good. Only tools that are available and imported to US are cheap and bad in quality, thus the whole sayings on "made in china, bad quality". I went to Taobao.com and bought a wood plane, 1/5 of the price if I have to pay in US. Though, it is forbidden to be imported. 

Got me thinking. 
1. Nowadays we really have to go to China to get good stuff, used to be the other way around. 
2. US is a free country with "rights" to many things, thus her people are not free as she has many regulations to protect these rights. China is not a free country, but she allows many "rights" for her people to do stuff, stuff that could not be done in US. 

In other words, US has the freedom of speech, but an American has to buy a lousy made in China loudspeaker to announce the speech, that probably breaks in the middle of the speech. A Chinese can't speak out loud, but they could produce the cool tools that are reserved for China only that probably won't be used as no one could really speak. 

Friday, February 01, 2013

Time Market

Have been thinking, if personal time could be traded, how would that be?  I am sure there will be a market, time such as wealth, most people want to have more, even though they might have no idea how or what to spend it efficiently.  There will be a market for time trading definitely, if it could be traded.

If personal time could be sold, sellers could remove portion of their time in lives and buyers will gain and inject more time into their personal lives.  Here is the catch though, the content of the time will be traded along as a package and receivers will need to accept what is inside the time unit as traded.  The content will be solely the main motivation for sellers to let go some precious time of theirs, perhaps a part of their sorrow moments, perhaps a heart broken separation memory with their loved ones, perhaps a regretful experience, sellers motivation is to let go of these grieving time.  If there is a market, perhaps there will be people willing to sell time of happiness to exchange for money.  Just like people trading organs in black market, perhaps there will be demand to buy time of happiness.  Since demand for time of sadness is anticipated less valuable compare to time of happiness, time of sadness will be rated as grade C and time of happiness will be rated as grade A and grade A will be multiple times more costly than grade C.

If personal time could be traded, people that have no “sufficient time” could purchase some additional time, or people who are wealthy but sad and bored could purchase some “happiness time” and people who is terribly heartbroken could sell their time away.  It is a perfect market, however, the complication really arise if it is refundable or if customers satisfaction will be ever honored? Though, the upside of these trades are, how receivers choose to deal with these emotions contented in time really depend variably, they could choose to enjoy the time contents or they could choose to ignore the contents and use the time to do something which they are lack of time for.

It is also more complex, if one’s memory would notice there is an eclipse of the time events missing in their time series of lives? Would it trigger any moral obligation or personal responsibility if a time of crime is sold? Would it elongate the buyer’s life if time is bought and shorten the seller’s life after it is sold?  Yet with all these complication, I think there will be a market, and it will be a well speculated one, if time could be traded as it satisfies human’s very basic nature: greed and contentment of lives.

Monday, December 17, 2012

This is the best definition I have come across this far.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. 
- Robert A. Heinlein

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


People have been praising high on tolerance towards waiting, to wait for fruits to ripe as where patience is the ultimate key to realize great success. 

The problem I see is patience is often mistaken as a function of time as oppose to endurance of facing challenges. 

Most have or could have the patience to wait, the patience to repeat a monotonous task, but very few have the patience to carry through difficulties, to adopt with new thinking and method to overcome obstacles. The later is what makes the significant difference.